How to start each day positively?
As we know morning shows the day, whether we remain positive and happy throughout the day also depends on whether we are happy or not in the morning. If one is happy and without any tension in the morning, there is no doubt s/he become stressed during the day in most cases. Opposite of this is definitely true.
Naturally due to many hours of sleep, we are in less stress, in happy mood and energetic in the morning. Cool and fresh outside environment also helps to be fresh at the start of the day. But, due to various reasons such as tension, stress, unable to control the emotion etc., some people's mood turn into bad and as a result of this, their whole day becomes less useful and they can't do what they are doing completely or may feel difficulties in doing their work. If this continues for many days, suc
Here is what you can do:
- On a special note, make a list of things that inspire you, For example, you can write your favorite inspirational quotes- at least five. Or, you can have a book with story that inspires you to do something in your life. You can collect and write as many such things as you can. Then, each day after having morning bath, look at these things or read them. Try to feel what is there in yourself. Add many things or incidents that may be small or to the note and I am sure, you start your day positively. Do not forget to name this note The Positive Note of Your name.
Richgrad had seven motivational quotes to start the day! - Everyday after you get up, feel that you are happy and think everything that comes in your mind positively. Forget the argument you had yesterday with your neighbor, mistake you made, word of scold you heard, fear thinking what your boss will say because you were absent yesterday or didn't complete the task given by him or her.If you need to work on these things, do it in positive way.
- Try to control your emotion as well. I have seen many people saying I try to be happy in the morning but aren't able to do that. This is their inability to control their emotion. Feeling that I am stressed, not enjoying my life, can't do what I am doing etc. are some bad emotions or thinking that leads you to negativity. It takes time for one to minimise such emotions. But, slowly we can do this by regular practice and our inner will that we should kick out these emotions and will be able to do that.
- If you maintained your mood happy and fresh till 9 or 10 am, then generally your whole day will be good and balanced.
- Regular exercise, yoga, meditation etc. also help us to be happy in the morning.
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